Your HR System and Smarts for SME Success

Compliance Statement



Diffuze HR online documents and content have been reviewed by HR Legal to comply with the Fair Work Act 2009 and cannot be warranted when amended or varied in any way. It is recommended that users seek further advice to take account of their own specific requirements.

What is Diffuze?

Diffuze is a Cloud-based Human Resources system that provides a legally compliant process for your employee’s entire employment life-cycle.

Who we are?

Diffuze Pty Ltd

Registered address:
47 Stephenson Street
Cremorne  VIC  3121
ACN: 155 61 662

What do we do?

Diffuze is a Cloud-based Human Resources system for the small to medium enterprise that provides an easy to use and legally compliant process for your employees entire employment life-cycle.

Who is Partner to Compliance statement & their qualifications to provide this statement?

HR Legal
Level 2
32 Garden Street
South Yarra VIC 3141

Your legal obligations

Employers are legally responsible for not only keeping accurate records of employment, but staying current and compliant with changes to the Fair Work Act, Modern Awards, and supplementary regulations that are relevant to your industry.

Elements of Application

As an ‘end to end’ HR process the application covers the following 4 areas:

  • Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Performance Management
  • Separation

Within these areas are a series of documents that are designed to manage the process.

These documents include:

  • Employee forms – the documentation you require to officially bring a new employee into the workplace.
  • Employment terms & conditions – outlining the broad set of terms and conditions of employment and their obligations.
  • Guidelines – best practice information and suggestions on how to manage various aspects of HR and the employee life cycle.
  • Letters – official letters for employee notifications.
  • Policies – Standards and procedures that are set in your workplace.
  • Position Descriptions – reflecting the requirements of the work area and describing the position and responsibilities of a role. These are an essential tool during the initial recruitment process, for all performance reviews, promotions, performance management, organisational restructures and at other times when an accurate description of job function and expectations are required
  • System forms – used to progress through the ‘end to end’ process.
  • Resource material – providing information and guidance on the HR process and procedures.

All these documents have been and will continue to be updated to meet Industry best practice.

What is covered

Specifically the following Diffuze documents carry HR Legal’s compliance on the basis that they are used for the correct role, kept up to date, not modified in any way and only used within the Diffuze application:

  • Guidelines
  • Letters
  • Employment terms & conditions
  • Policies

This Compliance Statement assures you that these categories of documents are compliant with applicable Federal legislation when used correctly.

You may of course wish to make alterations to some of these documents to better reflect your workplace – any altered documents would no longer carry the assurance of HR Legal. For a fee HR Legal are able to review any documentation you alter and work with you to ensure that these documents are legally compliant.

You are required to nominate the applicable award/s or industrial instrument/s that covers your workplace. Alternatively as an additional service and fee, this can be determined by Diffuze or HR Legal.

The Compliance Statement does not prevent employment related proceedings arising. Aggrieved employees can bring different types of legal proceedings against their employer such as general protections claims, discrimination claims and unfair dismissals. While use of Diffuze documents may assist in preventing and defending such proceedings, these cases are decided on individual facts and there is no representation made or guarantee offered that use of these documents, guidelines or policies will provide a defence to such proceedings.

Released: July 2014

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